WWE Hell in a Cell Results – CM Punk vs. Ryback, New Champion Crowned, Hall of Famer Returns & More

Backstage Josh Matthews introduces us to the new World Heavyweight Champion, the Big Show! Show walks in and asks "how good does that sound?" Big Show says he's finally reached the mountain top, and everyone's worst nightmares have come true. He dares anyone in the locker room to come and take the Championship from him. 

(8) Hell in a Cell for the WWE Championship
CM Punk (c) vs. Ryback

The WWE Champion makes his entrance first, coming down to the ring with Paul Heyman. The two embrace before CM Punk makes his way slowly into the Cell. Ryback makes his way down second, followed by the official introductions for this Championship match. 

Ryback goes right after Punk, who bails from the ring. Punk in again, but he leaves just as quickly when Ryback advances. Ryback finally gets his hands on Punk, and he throws him straight down into the mat. Ryback picks him up a foot, and crashes his skull off the mat. Ryback continues the assault, throwing the Champion from corner to corner. The two go outside the ring, and Ryback tosses Punk into the Cell over and over again. 

Punk hides under the ring as Ryback is distracted by Paul Heyman, screaming at him from outside the cage. Ryback goes to find Punk, but gets a face full of a fire extinguisher! Heyman screams for the WWE Champion to attack and he does just that, sending Ryback into the steel structure. Punk grabs a steel chair, but Ryback comes back and kicks it straight into his face! Ryback throws the Champion into the ring, and military press slams him down to the mat with relative ease. Ryback goes for his signature clothesline, but Punk ducks out of the way and hits a clothesline of his own off the top rope. Punk goes back up top again, trying to knock the big man off his feet with axe handles; after three Ryback is to his knees, but Punk is caught and thrown into the corner. 

Ryback off the ropes, but he eats a running dropkick from the CHampion. Ryback rolls to the outside, and Punk suicide dives onto Ryback and the cell structure! Somehow Ryback is still standing! Punk with a neckbreaker to the concrete floor. Ryback shakes off the attack, but runs shoulder first into the steel steps. CM Punk rolls his challenger back into the ring, and locks in a sleeper hold. Ryback powers out though, getting to his feet with Punk on his back, and crashign down with a brutal stunner. Punk escapes to the corner, as Heyman screams "he's still alive!" 

CM Punk knocks down the big man with a clothesline in the corner. He goes up top for the "Macho Man" elbow drop, and lands it! Punk finds a kendo stick under the ring, and mocks Ryback with the "feed me more" chant, unloadeing with shots from the foreign object. Ryback catches the kendo stick, and throws it out of the ring! He "hulks up", so to speak, and delivers clothesline after clothesline to the WWE Champion, ending it with a big back body drop. Ryback goes to the corner and motions for the Meathook Clothesline, and lands it with the crowd chanting "feed me more!" Ryback gets Punk up for Shellshock, but referee Brad Maddox stops him! The ref hits Ryback with a low blow, and makes the quick count for CM Punk. 

Winner via pinfall: CM Punk

CM Punk and the referee try to escape the Cell, but Ryback finds them both and sends Punk crashing into the steel structure. He takes the referee into the ring and hits him with the Meathook, and throws him head-first into the Cell. Paul Heyman is pulling CM Punk out of the cage, but Ryback stops them and Heyman bolts up the ramp. 

Punk escapes to the top of the cell, but Ryback goes after him! Ryback gets a hold of the WWE Champion, and gets him up for Shellshock! He hits the Shellshock on top of Hell in a Cell! Ryback brings down the straps, and chants "feed me more" with the crowd, as the show goes off the air. 

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WWE Hell In A Cell


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