Monday Night Raw Results: Punk vs. Foley, Diva Fired, Cena/AJ & More

Commercial Break

Antonio Cesaro is in the ring with the US title. He says he discovered something while traveling around the country. He says American kids are the fattest in the world, and to make it worse Halloween is coming up. He calls American kids "fat idiots" that dress up like Power Rangers. Apparently the Miz is on commentary, nodding his approval, says Michael Cole. 

(4) Antonio Cesaro vs. Kofi Kingston 

Cesaro charges Kofi in the corner, but Kingston jumps out of the way and hits his opponent with a kick to the side of the head. Cesaro takes control in the middle of the ring, but the cameras are mostly on the Miz screaming at Michael Cole, who asked Miz what he's done recently. For whatever reason, JR is on Miz's side and Cole is defending Kofi Kingston. Speaking of which, Kofi kicks Cesaro to the outside of the ring, and comes off the ring steps with a crossbody to the floor. Kofi talks trash with Miz, and Cesaro takes advantage with a shot from behind. Kofi counters, and ends up throwing Cesaro over the announce table and right onto Miz. Miz rushes the ring and attacks Kofi Kingston for the DQ finish. 

Winner via DQ: Kofi Kingston 

After the match, the heels rush the ring and begin a double team beatdown on Kofi. R-Truth rushes the ring to make the save, and the faces stand tall. JR brings up that R-Truth is an American, and Cesaro claims no American can beat him for the United States Championship. 

Commercial Break 

Backstage, Vickie Guerrero says that the only thing AJ has to do to get her job back as a WWE Diva is admit that there's something going on between her and John Cena. AJ says all she wants is to be a Diva, but it's not worthy burying John Cena or her dignity. She walks out, but Vickie calls her back and says she's re-hired, but under one condition: if AJ ever puts a hand on Vickie again, she'll never work for the WWE or be around the company again, period.