Mt. Killamanjaro: TNA Turning Point Preview – Looking Back on Last Year’s Show, Your Predictions, & More!






I still think this is the match that should have happened at Bound for Glory, but it won’t go ill-received by me tonight either. Magnus is probably my favorite up-and-comer on the TNA roster, and I’m glad to see him getting any amount of time to show off his talents. It’s rare that wrestling companies in America utilize British talent. Nigel McGuiness is one of the best workers I’ve seen, and TNA blew shot after shot with him during his run. Douglas Williams shows up once in a blue moon to do the job, or beat a Gut Check star; the guy could have been a title contender with ease. All I want to see is Magnus – a British guy with all the right looks to be a major player in pro wrestling in any organization – get a fair shot at proving his worth. 

Enter Samoa Joe, the former World Champion turned mid-card tester. The famed big man that can move with the speed of cruiserweights, and hit with the impact of a wild bull. They made a great tag team, and came out of nowhere with unforeseen chemistry week after week; it’s almost a shame that didn’t last longer, considering their rivalry didn’t happen immediately, and neither has been used to a great extent since they broke up. But they do make for a good middle of the card feud, and their background makes the story incredibly easy to sell. The No DQ stipulation will definitely make things interesting, if they utilize foreign objects to their advantage. 

My Prediction: The easy money is on Joe to win, but I don’t think a loss really hurts either guy here. I doubt this feud ends with a No DQ at Turning Point, so whoever leaves tonight with the belt probably has one or two more chances to lose it again. I’m actually going to go against the majority, and say that Magnus beats Joe tonight, and takes his title to keep the rivalry alive.