Alberto Del Rio Explains WWE No Longer Focusing On Mexico, Trish Stratus HOF Stat

Del Rio On WWE/Mexico

Alberto Del Rio recently did an interview with Yahoo! Deportes and explained that WWE's turned their attention away from Mexico.

He says WWE once looked at Mexico as being a market they wanted to get heavily involved in but have changed their minds since their most recent tour there was considered a flop. There has been a decline in attendance, economy, ratings and even piracy of the product. The last tour WWE had in Mexico the merchandise sales weren't good among other disappointing numbers. Del Rio says WWE realizes the product isn't hot anymore in Mexico. He talked about being appreciative of WWE giving him the opportunity to work with them and says they are family. He also spoke on wanting to be a road agent when he retires from being active.

Stratus HOF Stat

Trish Stratus is 37-years-old and this will make her the youngest to ever be inducted to the WWE Hall of Fame.