WWE RAW Results (2/11) – Heyman’s Big Announcement, Chamber Match Participants Set, Punk/Rock Final Confrontation

Wade Barrett vs Kofi Kingston

Wade Barrett is shown heading to the ring when he gets attacked by Bo Dallas, then Bo throws him into some equipment and punches him until some referees break it up. We get back from a break to see Wade slowly make his way out to the ring, then they get started and Kofi whips Wade into the ropes. Wade kicks Kofi in the head and stomps him in the corner, then he repeatedly knees him in the face and drops him with a clothesline.

Wade puts him in a rear chinlock but Kofi breaks it and hits a dropkick, then Wade sends him into the corner but Kofi kicks him in the head. Kofi hits a top rope crossbody block for a near fall, then he heads back up top and hits a second before going for a springboard move. Wade ducks and hits Winds of Change for a near fall, then he goes for The Bullhammer but Kofi ducks and goes for Trouble In Paradise. Wade rolls outside to avoid it, then Kofi tries to chase him but Wade pulls the apron over his head and hits a blinded Kofi with the Bullhammer for the win.

Winner – Wade Barrett

Kane vs Dolph Ziggler (w/ Big E Langston & AJ Lee)

Kane throws Dolph in the corner and uppercuts him, then he hits a suplex for a near fall before Dolph surprises him with a dropkick. Dolph stomps him a few times before punching him in the corner, then Kane stuns him with a kick before sending him into the ropes and flapjacking him. Kane calls for a chokeslam but Dolph rolls outside as we cut to a break, then we get back to see Kane uppercut Dolph off the turnbuckles and out to the floor. Kane goes after Dolph and Langston gets in his face, then he backs off long enough for Dolph to throw Kane into the barricade. Dolph hits a few elbow drops for a near fall, then he applies a headlock but Kane breaks it and sends him into the ropes. (Cont'd…)