WWE Money In The Bank Results (7/14) – RVD Returns, Cena vs Henry, Who Won The WHC/WWE Briefcases?

Henry catches him and hits a World's Strongest Slam, but Cena kicks out and Henry can't believe it so he tears one of the turnbuckle pads off. Henry goes outside and gets two chairs, and the ref warns him and gets rid of them while Henry takes another turnbuckle pad off. He tries to attack Cena but Cena shoves him into the exposed turnbuckle, then he puts Henry in the STF but Henry reaches the ropes to break the hold. Henry hits Cena and knocks him into the ref, then Henry low blows Cena and makes the cover, but Cena kicks out. Henry goes for another World's Strongest Slam but Cena floats over and puts him in the STF, then Henry tries to escape but Cena pulls him towards the middle of the mat and makes him tap.

Winner – John Cena

Money In The Bank (WWE Championship)
Sheamus vs Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan
vs Christian vs Rob Van Dam vs CM Punk

Everyone stares at the briefcase until they focus on RVD, and he taunts them with his thumbs pose but they all gang up on him and kick him under the ropes. Everyone then goes after Sheamus and throws him out of the ring, then Bryan and Orton go at it while Punk attacks Christian in the corner. Bryan and Punk throw them out of the ring then face off, and Punk chops Bryan a few times but Bryan fights off a GTS and goes for the YES Lock. Sheamus comes back in and hits them with a ladder, then he hits Christian on the apron before Orton dropkicks it into Sheamus' chest.

RVD comes back in and clears house, kicking Punk in the face and dropping Orton with a stepover toe kick before playing to the crowd. RVD goes for a ladder before Christian sets up a Killswitch, but RVD counters and press slams him on the ladder before he follows up with Rolling Thunder. Orton comes back in and throws him to the apron, but RVD kicks him in the head and heads up top, only to have Christian hit him in the back with a ladder. Christian hits Sheamus on the floor before taking Orton out with a ladder, then he sets it up and climbs but Sheamus hits him in the back. (Cont'd…)


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