WWE Money In The Bank Results (7/14) – RVD Returns, Cena vs Henry, Who Won The WHC/WWE Briefcases?

Sheamus tackles him in the corner and climbs up, but Christian cuts him off and they fight on the ladder before Christian throws him in the corner. Christian tries to hit him with it but Sheamus punches the ladder into him, then he sets it back up but RVD slides in the ring and tips the ladder over. Sheamus gets right back up and knees RVD in the face, then he hits a rolling senton on the ladder but Bryan tries to pull him out of the ring. Sheamus kicks him away and throws him into the commentary table, then he wedges a super ladder in between the ring and the tables and tries to powerbomb Bryan through it.

Bryan hooks his legs on the ropes and blocks it, then he kicks Sheamus off the apron and knees him in the face while Punk sets a ladder, only to have Orton cut him off. Orton headbutts Punk but Christian attacks him, then Christian goes after Punk and they climb a ladder while Bryan tries to set another one up. Orton gets back into the fold and all six end up climbing the two ladders, then they all reach for the swinging briefcase before they lose momentum and crash to the mat. Sheamus is the first to his feet and takes everyone down with clotheslines and backbreakers, then he drops Christian with White Noise before he sets up another ladder. RVD runs at him but Sheamus deflects him into the ladder, then he Brogue Kicks him before he fights with Bryan on the ladder and clubs his chest.

Sheamus knocks him down and holds the briefcase, swinging from it for a moment, but he can't unlatch it and CM Punk pulls him down to the mat. Sheamus hits him a few times and tries to hit him with the ladder, but Punk avoids it and hits a kneelift into the ladder before bulldogging the ladder onto the back of his head. Orton jumps back in and hits him a few times, then Orton goes for an exploder suplex before shifting his position and sending Punk into the ladder. Orton hits a hanging DDT but Christian drops him with a spear, then he sets up a ladder and climbs it but RVD hits him in the back with another ladder. RVD props a ladder in the corner and kicks Christian, then he hits a spinning legdrop before Christian hits him on the ladder and drags it to the corner. (Cont'd…)