WWE RAW Results (7/29) – Rhodes vs Barrett, Bryan vs Kane, Cena/Ryback Tables Match

Curtis Axel (w/ Paul Heyman) vs R-Truth

Axel kicks Truth a few times but Truth comes back with a shoulder tackle and a front release suplex, then Axel kicks him in the shoulder and punches him in the head. Truth hits him back a few times but Axel shoves him and hits a dropkick, then he hits a neckbreaker as CM Punk runs out to ringside. Punk pulls him out of the ring and throws him on the ground, then he goes after Heyman and prevents him from running through the crowd. Punk shoves Heyman into Axel and attacks Axel near the commentary table, then Punk turns and watches as Heyman runs up the ramp and backstage.

Result – No Contest

Triple H approaches Vince McMahon in the backstage area and tells him he needs to stop telling Brad Maddox what to do, but Vince says he wants Bryan to succeed. He laughs as HHH tells him he knows he's joking, and Vince laughs and says he's right, but he wants a champion like HHH. Vince says of course, he should be much younger, then they go back and forth a bit until Stephanie walks in and says they can work this out. Stephanie says the fans chose Bryan as much as Cena did, and they might be able to help him by giving him a corporate makeover of sorts. Vince smirks and says good luck with it, then he leaves and Stephanie and HHH agree that it might not be that great of an idea afterall.

Tables Match

John Cena vs Ryback

Ryback throws Cena in the corner and kicks him, but Cena comes right back with a clothesline that sends Ryback outside, then he throws him into the barricade. Cena gets a table but Ryback hits him in the back, then he punches him and throws him across the floor before throwing a table at him. We get back from a break to see Ryback punch Cena in the back, then he calls for a powerbomb and sets a table up in the entrance way. Cena floats over and punches him a few times, then Ryback whips him into the steps and slides the bottom of the steps in the ring. (Cont'd…)