WWE RAW Results (7/29) – Rhodes vs Barrett, Bryan vs Kane, Cena/Ryback Tables Match

WWE RAWWWE Monday Night RAW Results

By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

July 29th 2013

Vince McMahon comes to the ring with Brad Maddox and says they will have some fun tonight, then Maddox apologizes for letting John Cena name his opponent. Vince says Maddox insulted Daniel Bryan and says some examples, then he asks Maddox how he really feels about him. Bryan cuts them off and heads to the ring, and he says Maddox said some things about him, but he thinks Vince was the one who told him what to say. Vince says he is showing a lack of respect by cutting him off, but Bryan says respect is a two way street and he's given everything for this company. He says Vince has never given him any respect, but Vince asks him if he respects John Cena and tells the fans to keep quiet.

Bryan says he respects Cena as a wrestler and for picking him as an opponent, but Vince says Cena manipulates people and he can't be trusted. Vince says Cena picked Bryan for earning it and because he's popular, but Cena is a liar and he thinks Bryan and all of the fans are fools for buying into this. He says Bryan can't beat Cena, and he can't even beat Kane tonight because he doesn't have 'ruthless agression,' something Cena use to have. Vince says Cena walks around like he owns the place and he doesn't want him to win at Summerslam, but he doesn't want a troll as champion either.

Vince says the only person who could win is him, then he makes fun of Bryan's height and says he hopes Cena and Bryan spontaneously combust at Summerslam. Bryan says Cena will pay if he's lying about him earning his title shot, then Bryan says he loves the boss because he's always honest, but it doesn't matter what he thinks. He says Vince always says it matters what the fans think, and he thinks they want a new champion at Summerslam, and that will be him. Bryan says Vince needs to listen to his own advice and listen to the WWE Universe, then he asks if they want him as champion and they all chant YES!