WWE RAW Results (12/2) – The Shield vs Cody, Goldust & Big Show, Unified Title Contract Signing

CM Punk joins Renee Young for his reaction of hearing he will face The Shield in a handicap match, and Punk says he's so happy it's Christmas. Punk goes on a rant and sings about how happy he is, then he changes tone and says he knows he's going down, but they'll see how many of The Shield go with him. We cut to Bad News Barrett at ringside, and the good news is they had Thanksgiving dinner, but their arteries are clogged and they are constipated, and that's bad news.

Kofi Kingston & The Miz vs Curtis Axel & Ryback

Miz applies a waistlock but Axel elbows him in the face, then he sends him into the corner and but Miz fights back with a clothesline. Kofi tags in and kicks Axel, then he hits him again before Miz tags in, but Axel clotheslines the back of his head and sends him into the corner. Ryback slams him down and splashes him for a near fall, then he hits a delayed vertical suplex for a near fall before he applies a bearhug. Ryback knocks Miz back down and kicks him in the chest, then he goes for a clothesline but Miz ducks and dives to make the tag. Kofi knocks Axel off the apron and hits Ryback with a crossbody, then he punches Axel again but Ryback clotheslines him on the apron and hits Shell Shocked for the win.

Winners – Curtis Axel & Ryback

Fandango (w/ Summer Rae) vs Mark Henry

Henry shoves Fandango in the corner and screams at him to get up, then Fandango dances around but Henry scoop slams him and clotheslines him. Henry walks over Fandango's stomach and taunts Summer with a dance, then Fandango tries to hit him from behind but Henry elbows him. He whips Fandango across the ring and sends him to the opposite corner, then he goes for a corner splash but Fandango sidesteps him. Fandango hits him a few times and connects with a dropkick to the knees, then he hits a DDT for two before he kicks Henry in the face. Fandango heads up top and hits a crossbody for two, then he hits the ropes but Henry clotheslines him and hits a World's Strongest Slam for the win.

Winner – Mark Henry


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