WWE RAW Results (12/2) – The Shield vs Cody, Goldust & Big Show, Unified Title Contract Signing

Prime Time Players vs Real Americans (w/ Zeb Colter)

Swagger hits Titus in the corner and whips him across the ring, then Titus comes back with a clothesline and a big boot off the ropes. Titus hits a fallaway slam and charges the corner, but Swagger catches him with boots to the face before he punches Titus in the corner. Cesaro throws Titus on the floor, then Swagger clotheslines him and rolls him back in to get a near fall before he applies a front facelock. Titus throws some elbows to break free but Cesaro snaps his head on the ropes, then Swagger hits a Swagger Bomb and Cesaro follows with a double stomp. Titus and Cesaro trade off on uppercuts until Cesaro hits a gutwrench slam, then Swagger whips him into the ropes and elbows him in the face.

Cesaro gets back in and applies a side headlock, then Titus breaks it with a hiptoss but Cesaro runs back at him and sweeps his legs. Colter tells him not to, but Cesaro puts Titus in the Big Swing until Colter says he should stop before Titus pukes again. Titus stumbles to his feet and looks like he is going to puke, but he backs into his corner and tags Young into the match. Young clotheslines Cesaro and takes him down with a belly-to-belly suplex, then he knocks Swagger off the apron and suplexes Cesaro for a near fall. Swagger tries to interfere but Young knocks him on the mat, then he heads up top but Cesaro uppercuts him in midair and makes the cover.

Winners – Real Americans

Triple H and Stephanie McMahon invite Randy Orton and John Cena to the ring, then HHH tells them to get down to it and take their seats. Stephanie addresses Orton's comments about being bigger than WWE, and they name the all-time greats who held both titles, with Stephanie adding HHH has held both. HHH says this match had a lot of thought put into it, and he says they've reached a time where they need one champion. He says both of them are huge stars but they can cement their place in history, then Orton signs it and hands it over the table. Cena signs and Stephanie says they can each speak now, and Orton says he heard all of the legendary names, but he's better than all of them. (Cont'd…)