Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction “Final Resolution”

The Main Events

Impact Wrestling Reaction-Feast or Fired took place in a conference room with Gunner getting a World Heavyweight Championship shot, Zema Ion getting an X-Division Championship match and Ethan Carter III getting a Tag Team Championship match This means that Chavo Guerrero is fired. Good decision. I was nervous it was going to be Ion because of all of his history with the company. He is the most talented out of all the men in the ring and deserves a shot at Aries' championship. For Gunner, this is the right call. It is too early for Carter and Guerrero would be the only other one to make somewhat sense. Gunner is a guy whom I have seen mature inside and outside of the ring. I really think his character and gimmick are ready for the main event picture. Carter will need to find a partner, as we have only really seen him take on jokes of opponents. I liked how Sting came in and got into the face of the young man. That is a really important call for the career of Carter. I can see him vs. Sting in a month or two, hopefully with Sting putting him over. *Note: do this inside the ring next time. It makes it more organic and natural from the crowd to the performers.

Grade: B-

Magnus defeated Jeff Hardy to win the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.

The Dixie Land Match was one that involved a Steel Cage match and a Ladder that will be at the top of the stage with the belt hanging. This was an excellent match between two completely different competitors. You could see Jeff Hardy carrying the beginning portions of the match while Magnus tried to fight back. Both exchanged blows back and forth until Hardy hit a Twist of Fate. We had multiple teases, but both men stopped the other from getting out. Jeff hit a Whisper in the Wind off the top rope. He would have a chance to get out, but he hit an amazing spot from the top of the cage onto Magnus. Both men escaped the cage. Ethan Carter tried to attack Magnus, but to no avail. Jeff Hardy attacked Carter and wanted the path to be even for both men. Jeff Hardy was ready to grab the title, but Rockstar Spud pushes the ladder over and Hardy crashes to the floor. Magnus climbs and wins the title, completing the set-up. Magnus yells at the crowd and kisses Dixie.

A few great things:

-Jeff Hardy put on on hell of a show. He sold the moves, took the risks and it all paid off in the end. He does not need to be champion right now because of how established he has made himself. Also, he must have taken a page out of his brother's book. The promo before the match was excellent and really compassionate. Matt must have taught him a few tricks!

-Magnus as a heel champion works for me. It is much easier for Magnus to get heat for being a heel champion that being a face champion. The crowd will ultimately boo him because of his association with Dixie Carter. I hated how ROCKSTAR SPUD was the deciding factor. Let EC3 get up and cost Hardy.

Grade: B+

Impact Wrestling Grade: B

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