WWE Smackdown Results (2/21) – Bryan Fights Twice Again, Sheamus vs Christian

Dolph Ziggler vs Titus O'Neil

Titus hiptosses Dolph but Dolph bounces off the ropes and kicks him, then Titus throws him across the ring and taunts Darren Young at commentary. Titus chops Dolph in the corner, then Dolph connects with some mounted punches and a neckbreaker before Titus throws him to the mat. Darren grabs a missile and distracts Titus by standing on the commentary table, then Dolph steals it with a rollup and Darren blows the whistle as he taunts Titus on the ramp.

Winner – Dolph Ziggler

Road Dogg (w/ Billy Gunn) vs Jimmy Uso (w/ Jey Uso)

Road Dogg snapmares Jimmy and applies a headlock, then he jabs him a few times but Jimmy hits a full nelson bomb before Road Dogg rolls outside. Road Dogg takes a cheap shot and sets up a pump handle slam, but Jimmy floats over and hits a superkick for the win.

Winner – Jimmy Uso

Sheamus vs Christian

Sheamus hits a shoulder block off the ropes, then Christian applies a waistlock but Sheamus breaks it so Christian throws some elbows. Sheamus fights right back with some strikes, then he sets up for a powerslam but Christian throws him outside and sets up a suicide dive. Christian jumps but Sheamus avoids him, then he hits a rolling fireman's carry on the floor as we go to a break. We get back to see Sheamus knee Christian, then Christian drop toe holds him into ropes before they spill outside. Sheamus sends Christian into the barricade, but Christian kicks him over it before Sheamus slams Christian chest first into the barriacde. They end up back inside and Christian kicks Sheamus into the corner, then he knees him a few times and puts him into an armbar.

Sheamus breaks it before Christian sets up a Killswitch, but Sheamus shoves him away so Christian heads up top. Sheamus throws him to the mat and clubs him a few times, then he connects with a powerslam for two before Christian hits a tornado DDT. Christian hops the ropes and goes for an uppercut but Sheamus clubs his chest, then he pulls him back in the ring but Christian throws him into the ringpost. Sheamus comes back with two backbreakers, then he calls for a Brogue Kick but Christian rolls outside and tries to catch him with a cheap shot. Sheamus avoids it but Christian catches him with an elbow, then he sets a Killswitch but Sheamus counters with White Noise for the win.

Winner – Sheamus

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