Bryan Names His Finisher, ESPN E60 Special on Performance Center, Rhodes on How WWE Talent Should Handle Tonight

E60 Special on Performance Center

Jim Ross noted in his latest blog that ESPN is doing an E60 piece on the WWE Performance Center, and JR had the following to say:

"Was thrilled to be interviewed extensively for an upcoming E60 piece ESPN is doing on the WWE Performance Center which I 'think' may air in April at some point. It's going to be an awesome feature as ESPN was provided amazing access."

Rhodes' Advice for Tonight

WWE star Cody Rhodes posted the following on Twitter:

Guys pandering to tonight's crowd outta' fear is blahhh…if you've been good to CHI and you're worth a damn, they'll be good to you. #RAW

— Cody Rhodes (@CodyRhodesWWE) March 3, 2014

Bryan Names His Finisher

During the Smackdown post-show this past Friday night, Daniel Bryan officially named his running knee finisher the "Knee Plus." He offered the following name explanation to Renee Young:

"There's only one person left I have to beat to get a fair shot at the WWE Championship and that's Triple H. He says I'm a B+ player, well I'm going to knee him right in the face. If he thinks I'm a B+, I'm going to show him a Knee Plus."


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