WWE Smackdown Results (3/7) – Christian vs Ziggler, Bryan/Big Show vs Kane/Batista, Does The Shield Reconcile?

Renee Young joins Daniel Bryan and Big Show backstage for their comments on the main event match, and she asks Bryan about Batista's comments. They show Batista saying Bryan has to hide behind a real man like Show, then Bryan says Batista hides behind Triple H and Randy Orton. Show makes a few jokes and says they are like David and Goliath, then he says they should fear the beard and respect the giant.

Kane & Batista vs Daniel Bryan & Big Show

Kane elbows Bryan and goes for a quick cover, then Bryan hits a Thesz press and connects with some kicks to the body. Show whips Bryan into Kane, assisting on a dropkick, then Show chops Kane in the corner and headbutts him. Show whips him but Kane dropkicks his knee, then Batista tries to help with a double suplex but Show reverses it before tagging Bryan in. Bryan hits a suicide dive before throwing Batista in the corner, then he kicks him several times before Show scoop slams Batista and elbow drops him. Show chops Batista and counters a front facelock with a scoop slam, then he steps over Batista's chest and throws him in the corner. Bryan kicks Batista a few times before he leapfrogs him and hits a clothesline, then he runs over and dropkicks Kane off the apron.

Bryan kicks Batista a few times, but Batista ducks a final one and hits a spinebuster for a near fall before tagging Kane in. Kane sets up a superplex but Bryan shoves him back and dropkicks him, then Batista catches him with a clothesline and a spear, then he calls for a Batista Bomb but Bryan counters and hits him with a stnading roundhouse kick. Bryan gets the tag and Show hits Kane with some clotheslines, then he spears him before Bryan tags in and hits a top rope headbutt. Batista breaks up the pin but Show sends him outside and throws him into the ringpost, then Bryan leaps off the ropes but Kane catches him by the throat. He goes for a chokeslam but Bryan counters with a rollup attempt, and Kane tries to block it but Show hits a KO Punch from the floor, and Bryan makes the cover.

Winners – Daniel Bryan & Big Show

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