WWE RAW Results (5/5) – Kane Seeks Revenge On Bryan, Shield vs Wyatts!

Daniel Bryan and Brie get to their car and Bryan says he can't wait to get out of there, then he helps Brie into the car and looks around for danger. They get in and Brie gets scared by Stephanie McMahon standing near the car, and she says they can't leave until his match. Stephanie says Bryan's match is now, and if he doesn't compete she will consider it a breach of contract and strip him of the title.

Daniel Bryan (w/ Brie Bella) vs Alberto Del Rio

Bryan connects with a quick kick, but Alberto kicks him a few times and hits a backbreaker before choking him on the ropes. Bryan connects with a few kicks, then Alberto hits a Backstabber before we go to a break. We get back to see Bryan hit Alberto coming off the turnbuckles, then he avoids a superkick and hits Alberto with an enziguiri before they slug it out. Bryan drop toe holds Alberto into the ropes and kicks him a few times, then he knocks Alberto down and hits a top rope headbutt for two. Bryan hits two running corner dropkicks, then Alberto rolls outside so Bryan hits a suicide dive and rolls him in before heading up top. Alberto catches him with an enziguiri for two, then he calls for a Cross Armbreaker but Bryan counters and makes him tap out to the YES Lock.

Winner – Daniel Bryan

BP: Good back and forth match, good work from both wrestlers.

Kane's pyro explodes in the ringposts so Bryan and Brie run for it, and they get in their car but the car won't start. Bryan checks under the hood and sees some wiring has been tampered with, then he closes the hood and sees Kane in the backseat. Bryan runs over as Kane grabs Brie and she screams, then Bryan slugs it out with him on the ramp before jumping back in the car. Bryan floors it and knocks Kane off the roof, then he stops, but Kane sits up and smiles so Bryan takes off with Brie screaming.

BP: Good segment continuing the mind games from Kane, and Bryan is doing what's necessary to protect his wife. Speaking of Brie, my god, she is a terrible actress. Her screams were D level horror movie sounds that made my ears bleed. Yikes.


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