WWE Greatest Factions DVD Preview (Video), Daniels Talks TNA Departure, Will He Return?

Greatest Factions DVD Preview

Below is a video preview of "WWE Greatest Factions" DVD, where they talk about Evolution. Thanks to WrestlingDVDNews.com for the video. The DVD comes out May 27th.

Daniels Talks TNA Departure

Christopher Daniels recently talked with Aaron Oster of the Batlimore Sun to talk about his release from TNA, his reactions and more. Below are some highlights of the interview.

On when Daniels realized his contract was not going to be renewed:

"I didn't know until the day they told me. I went in to speak with TNA officials the last booking that I had, which was a taping of one of the One Night Only pay-per-views, on April 12. That was when I found out. I didn't know before then."

What was TNA's reasoning:

"They pretty much just told me that they were going in a different direction with different people."

On if he was disappointed:

"Obviously it was disappointing. I wasn't expecting that. I knew we hadn't been on television for a while, but I figured that at some point it was going to come back around and we were going to get an opportunity to shine again. And that didn't happen."

For more on Daniels, including morale in TNA, his thoughts on tag teams, and more check out the entire interview here.