6/13 WWE Smackdown Results: Bray Wyatt vs. Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns vs. Bad News Barrett, Paige in Action & More

-We get footage of Layla attacking Summer Rae on Main Event, and covering her in milk. Layla and Fandango come out, dancing together. 

Adam Rose vs. Fandango

Fandango does some dancing, and Rose no-sells it and begins running around the ring. They lock up, but Rose gets in his face and freaks him out. Fandango fires away with hard right hands, one after another, and hits a vertical suplex for a quick one-count. He goes up to the top turnbuckle for the leg drop but comes up empty. Rose gets the Party Foul for the win. 

Winner: Fandango

-Summer Rae comes out of the crowd and attacks Layla after the match. She's in street clothes – black jeans and a tank top – and actually gets a good reaction. Fandango holds back Layla and the two girls freak out with Summer standing tall. 

KILLAM: I'm more interested in this Summer Rae babyface turn than either Fandango or Adam Rose. That match must have been like looking into the future for Rose. 

Jack Swagger vs. Big E

Swagger rushes him in the corner but gets dumped over the ropes. Big E hits a few clotheslines and a belly-to-belly suplex, followed by a running splash. The straps come down and he motions for the Big Ending, but Lana comes out and cuts her usual promo. Swagger hits a huge big boot on Big E as Zeb Colter goes to yell at Lana. Swagger tries for the Swagger Bomb, but Langston rolled out of the way and hits the Big Ending for the win. 

Winner: Big E

KILLAM: I just noticed, the WWE World Heavyweight Championship is still hanging above the ring. How did that get there if Daniel Bryan hasn't been on Raw since the injury announcement?


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