6/13 WWE Smackdown Results: Bray Wyatt vs. Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns vs. Bad News Barrett, Paige in Action & More

Alicia Fox vs. Aksana

Alicia attacks as soon as the bell rings, locking in a choke hold. Aksana gets an elbow to the jaw in the corner, but Fox drops her on her head for the win in about 45 seconds. 

Winner: Alicia Fox

KILLAM: "You know what Aksana – the garbage and popcorn wasn't good enough to totally destroy your entire person. Here's a 45-second loss. Now go home, you're fired." 

Money in the Bank Qualifyer Match

Bray Wyatt vs. Dean Ambrose

There's a lot of trash talk early on between both guys, and Bray ends up taking the advantage before they go to the last commercial of the night. After, they climb to the top rope and Wyatt gets off a few headbutts. He tries for a superplex, but Ambrose blocks it with headbutts of his own and dives off the rope – Wyatt catches him, but Ambrose rebounds off the ropes with a huge clothesline. Now he climbs the ropes, by himself this time, and hits a big missile dropkick for a two-count. He sets up for his front facelock driver, but Wyatt counters and hits a running lariat for a nearfall. Wyatt tries for a vertical suplex by Abrose counters, hits his finisher and… Seth Rollins is on the announce table. Ambrose goes after Seth, but Wyatt hits Sister Abigail and picks up the win. 

Winner: Bray Wyatt

-Seth Rollins laughs and heads to the back as Bray Wyatt stands over Ambrose and celebrates his victory. 

KILLAM: Too short a match to really get anything great going, but fairly solid none the less. I would pay money to see these two go at at one-on-one at a PPV. The rest of the show was decent. Apart from WWE totally crapping on Aksana – who I don't even like – I had no major problems with Smackdown.