WWE Smackdown Results (7/11) – Jericho vs Orton, Reigns vs Rusev!

 Roman Reigns vs Rusev (w/ Lana)

Reigns and Rusev tie up and fight for position, then Rusev kicks him in the corner but Reigns fights back with some right hands and Rusev regroups outside. We get back from a break to see Rusev apply a nerve hold, then he punches Reigns a few times and kicks him in the back. Rusev hits him a few more times but Reigns backdrops him and clotheslines him a few times, then he connects with an apron kick and calls for a Superman punch.

Reigns connects with it, then he calls for a spear but Randy Orton runs out and snaps his head on the ropes, causing the disqualification. Rusev attacks but Reigns surprises Orton with a Superman punch, then he goes back after Rusev but Rusev lays him out and heads backstage. Orton takes his time getting in the ring and calls for a RKO, and pulls Reigns off the mat and drops him with the maneuver as the show ends.

Winner (by disqualification) – Roman Reigns

BP: About what I expected from the two, but I wasn’t disappointed. They worked a good pace and peppered in most of Reigns’ signatures. I hope they revisit this down the road sometime. If Reigns wasn’t in the title picture and with the Authority, (and Swagger wasn’t involved with Rusev) I’d say he could take the cause for America and enter a feud with Rusev. 

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