What Happened After Tonight’s SD! Taping?, Tonight’s Main Event Videos; Sheamus vs Miz, Emma Returns & More

What Happened After Tonight’s SD! Taping?

After tonight’s WWE Smackdown taping was over, Kane continued to beat down Dean Ambrose until Chris Jericho and Roman Reigns hit the ring to make the save. The Wyatt Family then came out to assist the heels, and everyone brawled until The Usos came out and helped Jericho, Reigns and Ambrose.

The babyfaces ended up getting the better of the heels, and cleared them out of the ring leaving Jericho to hit the Codebreaker on Bray Wyatt and Reigns hit the Superman Punch on Kane.

The dark match main event did not take place as Seth Rollins said he was not “cleared” to wrestle.

Tonight’s WWE Main Event Highlight Videos

The following are tonight’s WWE Main Event highlight videos:


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