Undertaker For WM 31
It was reported The Undertaker took part in a marathon in Texas where many fans took the opportunity to get photos and speak with the legend.
A WZ reader got a hold of me to tell me about his conversation with The Undertaker when meeting him at the marathon.
The fan said The Undertaker said he didn’t remember much about WrestleMania 30 due to a head injury he sustained. He noted that his favorite WrestleMania matches were against Shawn Michaels and Triple H. The most interesting comments the fan is reporting is The Undertaker said he’s certainly not ruled out wrestling at WrestleMania 31.
WWE Network In UK
Every Monday and Friday I write a column for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. The latest columns talks about the WWE Network launch in UK this week and the lack of information on this.
The following is an excerpt:
The WWE Network launches in the United Kingdom on Wednesday.
Wait, you weren’t aware of that? Honestly, neither was anyone else.
I tweeted on Sunday about the launch date and lack of hype. The response I got was overwhelming with those who live in the UK. Some of the responses were frustration and confirming my observation of the lack of promotion. The other set of responses was people claiming they either didn’t know or had forgot the originally announced date for the launch.
How does this happen?
I don’t have a witty response or wise crack. The UK is the second biggest market for WWE behind the United States. The WWE Network is the number one priority for the company. The Network in the United States didn’t explode off the bat like they hoped. To me, this all equals a need of urgency for the UK launch.
The worry from myself and others is what kind of interface the UK fans will get once launched.
The Network launched on a television platform months ago in Canada and I haven’t heard one Canadian singing its praises. It’s all been complaints about not being user friendly and the limited options for viewership. I’ve heard some complaints regarding the UK being something similar.
CLICK HERE for more on the launch and UK fans getting access to U.S. version of the Network.