WWE Smackdown Results (10/17) – Ziggler vs Rollins, Sheamus/Usos vs Miz/Dust Brothers, Ambrose vs Kane!

Naomi vs Nikki Bella 

Nikki slams Naomi in the corner and rams her with her shoulder, then she throws her by the hair into the opposite corner and kicks her. Nikki picks her up but Naomi knocks her down with a crossbody and a dropkick, then she catches Nikki with the Rear View but Nikki gets a foot on the ropes. Naomi tries to pick Naomi back up but Nikki snaps her head on the ropes, then she follows with Rack Attack for the win. 

Winner – Nikki Bella 

Dean Ambrose vs Kane (w/Seth Rollins) 

Kane hits Ambrose a few times and goes for a scoop slam, but Ambrose floats over and rolls outside to taunt Rollins at ringside. Ambrose runs back in and jabs Kane a few times, then he dropkicks him and sends him outside. Ambrose mocks Rollins and tells him to get in the ring, then Kane charges but Ambrose pulls the ropes down and sends him back outside. He throws Kane back in the corner when he reenters the ring, then he kicks him in the face before heading up top. Kane throws him across the ring and kicks him in the face, then Kane taunts him and bends him arm back. Ambrose bites Kane to break the hold so Kane whips him outside, then he tries using the ring steps but Ambrose slams Kane’s head on them.

Ambrose dropkicks him and follows with a suicide dive, then he heads up top and connects with a missile dropkick. Ambrose charges Kane and hits him in the corner, then he hits a bulldog for two and sets up a double underhook DDT. Rollins jumps on the apron so Ambrose knocks him down, then Ambrose goes back after Kane but Rollins pulls Ambrose outside and attacks him. Kane hits Ambrose a few times before Rollins hits a buckle bomb, then Kane hands him a chair and Rollins tries to Curb Stomp him on it. Ambrose sidesteps him and shoves Rollins, then he hits Kane with the chair when he tries to interfere and mocks Rollins on the ramp. 

Winner (by disqualification) – Dean Ambrose 

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