wwe hell in a cell

Flashback: 2014 WWE Hell In A Cell Results (10/26) – Cena vs Orton, Big Show vs Rusev, Ambrose vs Rollins!

United States Championship

The Miz (w/ Damien Sandow) vs Sheamus (c) 

Miz snaps Sheamus’ head on the ropes but Sheamus comes back with a powerslam, then he connects with Ten Beats and Sandow mimes along with it. Miz comes back with some kicks to the head, then he sends Sheamus outside but Sheamus catches him with a rolling senton on the floor. Sheamus hits a Battering Ram for two, then he hits a backbreaker but Miz hits a neckbreaker before he knees him in the face. Miz calls for a Figure Four but Sheamus kicks him back, then Sandow jumps on the apron and Sheamus takes his jacket and throws it at him. Miz rolls him up but the ref is trying to get rid of Sandow, then Miz hits a Skull Crushing Finale but only gets two. He connects with a corner clothesline and heads up top, but Sheamus Brogue Kicks him in midair and makes the cover. 

Winner – Sheamus 

BP: Good match, nothing too notable, but it was solid from both sides. Sandow was gold like always; he mimed Miz with pretty much everything.

Rusev (w/ Lana) vs Big Show

Rusev kicks Show a few times and takes him to the mat, then he twists his leg and ankle before kicking Show’s knees. He suplexes Show and goes for the Accolade, but Show sweeps his legs and applies an elevated cross ankle lock before Rusev makes it to the ropes. Show calls for the knockout but Rusev blocks it, then Show connects with two shoulder tackles and follows with a spear. Mark Henry makes his way out and cheers Show on, then Show calls for a chokeslam but Rusev kicks him in the knees and punches him a few times. Rusev goes for a thrust kick but Show blocks it and chokeslams him, and Rusev makes it to the ropes before falling outside. Henry says he’s staying back, and Show rolls Rusev in but Rusev connects with a thrust kick in the corner. He kicks Henry off the apron, then he hits Show with two more kicks before he puts him in the Accolade and taps him out. 

Winner – Rusev 

Divas Championship

Paige (w/ Alicia Fox) vs AJ Lee (c) 

AJ hits Paige a few times and chases her outside, then Alicia gets involved and Paige swings AJ headfirst into the barricade. She rolls AJ in and kicks her a few times, then she taunts her but AJ comes back with a clothesline and neckbreaker. Paige catches her with a forearm shot, then AJ kicks her and hits a tornado DDT for two before Paige hits a fallaway slam. AJ rolls outside to avoid a pin, then Paige whips her into the barricade and climbs onto it. AJ sweeps her legs and slams Paige’s head on the barricade, and Alicia rolls Paige in but AJ makes her tap to the Black Widow. 

Winner – AJ Lee

BP: Something just felt off about this one. Not sure what, but it just felt like it didn’t gel like their other matches.