TNA Impact Wrestling Results (10/22) – Tag Team Title Tournament Kicks Off, Bram vs Devon, Roode/Lashley Contract Signing!

 The Wolves cut a promo about wanting the best competition, then they break off and Davey catches up with James Storm in the back. Davey asks what he wants, but Storm just says he wants him to see the beauty of a revolution. 

Tag Team Tournament
Ethan Carter III & Tyrus vs Eric Young & Rockstar Spud

Spud asks to get in to face Ethan, but Tyrus instead tags in, then Eric encourages Spud and he repeatedly kicks and punches Tyrus until he knocks him down. Tyrus headbutts him and connects with a heart punch, then he punches him in the back and takes him down with an exploder suplex. Tyrus goes for a corner splash but Spud dives out of the way, then he reaches for a tag but Tyrus knocks Eric off of the apron. He slams Spud on the mat and Ethan tags in, then Ethan slaps him a few times before Spud smacks the hell out of Ethan and knocks him down. Spud finally gets the tag and he dropkicks Tyrus, then he knocks Ethan down and heads up top, connecting with an elbow drop for two. Ethan grabs the ropes and rolls outside, but Eric takes Ethan and Tyrus out with a suicide dive before Spud jumps off the top rope and hits a senton bomb. Spud jumps back in the ring but Tyrus catches him by the throat, and he chokes him out before Ethan makes the cover. 

Winners – Ethan Carter III & Tyrus 

Kurt Angle comes out and says he added a new stipulation to next week’s title match, then he introduces Bobby Roode and Bobby Lashley. Roode says Lashley was the better man, but he was so close to winning, and Lashley will defend his title with doubt in his mind next week. Roode says he loves wrestling and doesn’t think of anything else, and he is going to beat Lashley, but MVP cuts in and says Lashley destroys everything in front of him. Kurt says this match deserves a real winner so King and MVP won’t be involved, and he’s also getting a special guest referee… himself! MVP says this isn’t happening but Roode signs the contract, then Lashley ignores MVP and signs before raising his title above Roode’s head.  



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