10/29 TNA Impact Wrestling Results: Roode vs. Lashley for the World Title, Tag Team Tournament Begins, Hardys in Action & More

Tournament Semi-Final Match

The Hardys vs. EC3 & Tyrus

Matt Hardy pie faces EC3 to start the match and gets beaten down in the corner for it. Jeff tags in and the Hardy’s double team him with Poetry in Motion for a two-count. Tyrus tries to get involved, but the referee backs him out of the ring. Carter uses the distraction to take a cheap shot and now  Tyrus makes the tag. The bullying commences, with Tyrus doing power moves on Matt Hardy, and EC3 takes pot shots from the apron. The heels start tagging in and out, and continue beating up Matt for a few minutes. Jeff makes the hot tag eventually and hits a Twist of Fate to take Carter out of the ring, but gets flattened by Brodus Tyrus. The Hardys come back and attack the big man, hitting their finisher combo on him for the 1-2-3. 

Winners: The Hardys

KILLAM: Decent tag match, although a bit more typical than the first one tonight. Haryds need to win whenever they’re in matches together, because it just makes sense given their legacy and how popular Jeff is with the TNA fans. That said, how are we supposed to take this monster Tyrus seriously if he loses so soon after debuting? The fans know him from WWE. They know he was a comedy character. You have to actually book him as a monster if you want people to forget that.