WWE RAW Results (12/29) – New Tag Champs, The Ascension Debuts, Rollins Gets The Authority Back!

 Cesaro comes out and says he wants to get something off his chest, and he had a great year, including winning the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal, but now he is told he doesn’t connect. He says he delivers every single night, and he doesn’t care about pleasing the fans, so if anyone wants to come prove him wrong, come do it. Cesaro says there’s no one as good as him in this ring, so someone should come make his day. Bad News Barrett comes out and says he’s got some bad news for Cesaro, because he might not care about connecting with fans, but his Bullhammer elbow will connect with Cesaro’s head. 

Cesaro vs Bad News Barrett 

Cesaro immediately dropkicks Wade and sends him into the corner, but Wade comes back with a backbreaker and knees him in between the ropes. Wade kicks him in the face and sends him outside, then Cesaro drops him throat first on the barricade before he rolls him back inside. Cesaro connects with a top rope elbow smash, then he clubs Wade a few times before he swings him around and puts him in a single leg crab. Wade reaches the ropes to break and catches him with a strike, then he runs from the corner and catches Cesaro with the Bullhammer for the win. 

Winner – Bad News Barrett 

Jack Swagger vs Luke Harper

Harper chops Swagger several times and catches him with a dropkick for two, then he sends Swagger outside but Swagger catches him with a clothesline. We get back from a break to see Swagger connect with a Swagger Bomb, then he goes for a Patriot Lock but Harper elbows him and sends him to the corner. Swagger gets the Patriot Lock again but Harper reaches the ropes, then Swagger goes for another Swagger Bomb but Harper sidesteps and hits a lariat for the win. 

Winner – Luke Harper 


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