WWE RAW Results (12/29) – New Tag Champs, The Ascension Debuts, Rollins Gets The Authority Back!

Edge and Christian welcome Seth Rollins to the Cutting Edge Peep Show and Rollins talks about how he used to love E&C, but Edge says he doesn’t believe him. Christian actually says he sounds a bit condescending, but Rollins says he is in a great mood considering he lost the Authority, but he’s still had a great year. Rollins says he wants to focus on the positive and have a great 2015, but he can’t be a new Seth Rollins before he sets everything right. He calls Big Show to the ring, then he asks for Cena to come out, not because he actually wants to make a toast, but he wants something from him. Rollins says if Cena doesn’t come to the ring, he will be forced to act, then Rollins nail Christian with his briefcase and they all surround Edge in the ring.

Edge shoves Rollins but Show grabs Edge by the throat, then he holds him down on the briefcase and Rollins chokes Edge with his boot. Rollins screams at Cena to get out there before he paralyzes Edge, then Cena rushes out but Rollins orders him to stop. He says Cena knows what he wants, but Cena gets ready to rush the ring and Rollins warns him he’d better think about what he is doing. Rollins says Edge is a father and husband so Cena should think about that, and Edge probably wishes Cena would grant the wish to save him just like Cena grants so many wishes. Rollins finally flat out tells Cena to bring the Authority back or he will break Edge’s neck, and it’s going to be on Cena’s conscience either way.

Rollins screams at him about being trapped in a living hell since Survivor Series, but Cena asks him to stop and Noble hands him a mic so everyone can hear it. Cena says he’ll bring back the Authority and Rollins makes him repeat it, and Rollins celebrates and says it’s a great way to end the year. Rollins says Cena should know he’s going to hurt Edge anyway, then he sets up for a Curb Stomp but Cena dives in the ring and they all attack him as Edge gets away. Big Show takes Cena down and Rollins Curb Stomps him, then they all celebrate together and hug as Cena lays on the mat. Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman come out to the ramp and they all toast, then Triple H and Stephanie join them and make a toast as the show comes to a close. 

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