impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (1/7) – Destination Impact Debuts, Awesome Kong Returns, Lashley vs Roode III And More!

MVP finds Lashley in his locker room and runs him down for not helping him earlier, and MVP says Kurt Angle and the rest of TNA don’t care about him. MVP says he took Lashley farther than anyone, and there would be no title runs or MMA career without him. He screams and says he runs this group, then Lashley finally has enough and shoves MVP into a wall, and says this is about him, not MVP. Lashley says this is about getting his title back, then King tries to get involved but quickly backs away, and MVP finally leaves and sarcastically says good luck. 

Jeremy Borash is shown in the ring talking about how he’s been there since day one, then Ethan Carter III cuts him off and says it’s time for important business. Ethan taunts the crowd and mocks JB, then he says he promised Rockstar Spud he would take him apart piece by piece, so Spud should come get what’s coming. Spud is thrown down the ramp by Tyrus, then Spud slaps him a few times but Tyrus shakes it off and scoop slams him on the ramp. Tyrus throws him in the ring and Ethan says he will finish taking all of Spud’s hair, and chants for a scalping until JB stands in the way. Ethan screams at him to stand down, but JB ends up slapping the hell out of him, and Tyrus whips him in the corner. Tyrus splashes him and Ethan says there’s a change of plans, then Ethan shaves JB’s head as Spud is held back and screams. 

X Division Championship
Austin Aries vs Low Ki (c) 

Aries armdrags Ki after they tie up, then they trade chops before Ki kicks him on the apron and Aries hits a suicide dive. Aries connects with a missile dropkick, then Ki hits an IED and calls for a Brainbuster, but Ki counters with Bite of the Dragon. He locks it in but Aries gets to the ropes, so Ki takes him up top but Aries boxes his ears and knocks him back before hitting a Brainbuster for the win. 

Winner and NEW X Division Champion – Austin Aries

BP: It was honestly a bit shorter than I expected, but it was probably needed given how much is already on this show. Nothing terribly new, but I hope they revisit this matchup down the road. 


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