impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (1/7) – Destination Impact Debuts, Awesome Kong Returns, Lashley vs Roode III And More!

Knockouts Championship Battle Royal

DJ Z walks down with Jessie during The Beautiful People’s entrance, and he hypes up the return of Robbie E! Robbie comes back to a pop and he says he didn’t win a million dollars, but he still looks like it, and it’s not his fault, it’s his ex-girlfriend’s. Robbie calls Brooke a loser, then Taryn makes her entrance to cut him off and the bell finally rings. Angelina kicks Rebel right in the face, then Taryn kicks Angelina as Madison tries to chop Havok. She runs at her but Havok sends her to the apron, and Madison lands on her feet and waves, but Havok punches her in the back to eliminate her.

Gail hits Eat Defeat before Jessie taunts Taryn on the apron, then Angelina tries to attack her but Taryn flips her over the ropes and clotheslines her for the elimination. Gail and Taryn gang up on Havok in the corner, then Havok shoves them back slams them into the turnbuckles. Havok takes control and hits them a few times before she tries to choke Gail and shove her over the ropes. Gail ties her up and tries to use a hurricanrana to take Havok over the ropes, but Taryn runs over and dumps both of them outside to retain. 

Winner – Taryn Terrell 

Havok runs in and attacks Taryn from behind, then she lifts Taryn and chokes her before kicking her in the ribs a few times. Havok hits a spinesbuster as the lights go out, then they come back on and we see Awesome Kong standing in the ring! Kong gets right in Havok’s face as the crowd chants ‘holy shit’, then a group of referees get in between them and Havok ends up leaving. One of the refs screams at Kong to leave and she doesn’t like it, so she ends up chokeslamming him and playing up to crowd. 

BP: Now THAT was a great surprise return! Havok vs Kong has a ton of potential, not to mention what they can do with an already good Knockouts division. Well played.