Complete Content Listing for WWE’s ECW Unreleased Vol. 3 DVD, WWE Nominated for Webby Awards

WWE Nominated for Webby Awards

webby awardsWWE is one of five finalists in the Mobile Sites & Apps: Entertainment category for the 19th annual Webby Awards. WWE is also named as honorees for the following categories. The winners will be announced on 4/27:

-Overall Social Presence

-Social Content & Marketing, Entertainment

-Social Content & Marketing, Events (WWE WrestleMania 30)

-Online Film & Video, Entertainment (WWE Network)

-Mobile Sites and Apps: Best Streaming Video (WWE Network and WWE App)

-Mobile Sites and Apps: Best Practices (WWE Network and WWE App)

Complete Content Listing for WWE’s ECW Unreleased Vol. 3 DVD

The following is the complete content listing for WWE’s upcoming ECW Unreleased Volume 3 DVD coming out on 4/28. The DVD set is hosted by Joey Styles, Stevie Richards and The Blue Meanie. You can pre-order the set at this link.


You Know Who I Am

ECW Tag Team Championship Match

Shane Douglas & Tommy Dreamer vs. The Tazmaniac & Kevin Sullivan

Hardcore TV • December 14, 1993

2 Cold Scorpio Drops Bombs

ECW Television Championship Match

Too Cold Scorpio vs. Dean Malenko

Hardcore TV • November 29, 1994

ECW Championship Match

Shane Douglas vs. Ron Simmons

Hardcore TV • January 24, 1995

I Got the Paint, Rocco!

Public Enemy Paint a Portrait of Sabu

No Disqualification Match for the ECW Tag Team Championship

The Public Enemy vs. Sabu & Tazmaniac

Hardcore TV • January 31, 1995

Taz & Eddie Guerrero vs. 2 Cold Scorpio & Dean Malenko

Hardcore TV • July 25, 1995

“Olympic Rules” Match

Cactus Jack vs. Sabu

Holiday Hell • December 29, 1995

I’m Going to Call 911

Rey Mysterio & 911 vs. The Eliminators

House Party • January 5, 1996


Something to Strut About

Cactus Jack vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

Just Another Night • February 23, 1996

Cactus Jack is Ruined Merchandise

ECW Television Championship Match

Chris Jericho vs. Shane Douglas

Allentown, PA • July 12, 1996

Not the Simon System

ECW Championship Match

Raven vs. Tommy Dreamer

Hardcore TV • August 13, 1996

ECW Tag Team Championship Match

The Eliminators vs. The Dudley’s

Hostile City Showdown • March 15, 1997

A Welcome Home Party for Mr. Monday Night

Taz vs. Rob Van Dam

Hostile City Showdown • March 15, 1997

The Underrated Stevie Richards

Stevie Richards’ Lifelong Journey

#1 Contender Three-Way Dance

Sandman vs. Big Stevie Cool vs. Raven

Asbury Park, NJ • May 2, 1997

ECW Championship Match

Terry Funk vs. Big Stevie Cool

Asbury Park, NJ • May 2, 1997


Look What I Found

ECW Championship Match

Shane Douglas vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

Hardcore TV • October 25, 1997

Everything About Triple Threat is a Shoot

“Tag Champion vs. Tag Champion”

Lance Storm vs. Chris Candido

CyberSlam • February 21, 1998

Yoshihiro “The Taz Killer” Tajiri

ECW Championship Match

Taz vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri

Hostile City Showdown • June 26, 1999

The Greatest Tag Team of All-Time

ECW Tag Team Championship Match

Spike Dudley & Balls Mahoney vs. The Dudley’s

ECW on TNN • September 3, 1999

ECW Tag Team Championship Match

The Dudley’s vs. Tommy Dreamer & Raven

ECW on TNN • September 3, 1999

Raven Hits Bourbon Street

BLUEper Reel

Extreme Outtakes

ECW Television Championship Match

Rob Van Dam vs. Rhino

Poughkeepsie, NY • October 22, 1999

Tommy Dreamer & Dusty Rhodes vs. Steve Corino & Rhino

ECW on TNN • February 4, 2000

Kid Kash vs. E.Z. Money

Anarchy Rulz • October 1, 2000

Double Jeopardy Match for the ECW Championship

Jerry Lynn vs. Justin Credible vs. Steve Corino vs. The Sandman

November to Remember • November 5, 2000

The Best in Your Future Endeavors


Tommy Dreamer, Cactus Jack & The Pitbulls vs. Raven, Stevie Richards, Dudley Dudley & Big Dick Dudley

WrestlePalooza • August 5, 1995

Rob Van Dam (w/ Brian Pillman) vs. Mikey Whipwreck

Hardcore TV • June 11, 1996

Unreleased Deleted Scene: Sorry, Sal Philly

Paul Heyman Directs Danny Doring

Terry “Bam Bam” Gordy & “Dr. Death” Steve Williams vs. The Eliminators

High Incident • October 26, 1996

Unreleased Deleted Scene: I Have a Tommy Dreamer Story

Dudley Driving School

Justin Credible & Mike Awesome vs. Jerry Lynn & Masato Tanaka

Hardcore TV • July 29, 1998

Unreleased Deleted Scene: Maven Disappeared!

Raven Throws Sandman’s Son a Birthday Party

ECW Television Championship Match

Rob Van Dam vs. Jerry Lynn

Crossing The Line • February 12, 1999