WWE Smackdown Results (5/14) – Sheamus vs Ambrose, Rollins vs Ryback, Kane vs Reigns!

Kane vs Roman Reigns

Kane attacks Reigns before the bell and whips him into the steps, then they make it in the ring and the match officially starts. Kane sends him back outside and whips the steps at Reigns, but Reigns ducks and beats him with a kendo stick. Reigns continues to attack, and we get back from a break to see Reigns block a chokeslam. He kicks Kane in the face and hits a diving clothesline off the commentary table, then he brings two tables into the ring.

Kane hits him from behind and slams him to get a near fall, then Kane starts setting the tables up. Reigns knocks him down and goes for a spear, but Kane catches him and chokeslams him through a table. Kane gets a near fall, then he sets up another table in the corner, but Reigns tags him with a Superman punch, then spears him through the table and makes the cover. 

Winner – Roman Reigns 

Renee Young asks Seth Rollins backstage what he thought of tonight’s events, and Rollins says it’ll take a lot more than that to beat him. Renee backs away as Dean Ambrose walks in, eating cookies, then he slams a cookie tray in Rollins face and starts a fight. They gang up on him but Reigns rushes in and slams them all into some equipment, then Ambrose fights back and gets up. They have a brief staredown, then Reigns goes to shake Ambrose’s hand, but Ambrose fakes him out and picks up the title. Ambrose looks and places it on Reigns’ shoulder, and says Reigns shouldn’t worry, because he will take it for good on Sunday. 

BP: Seems like the fans are back on board with Reigns, which is good because he’s definitely been better on the mic and in the ring. Not to say he wasn’t before (in-ring), but he seems like he’s more comfortable with his character. Overall tonight was a good show, Ambrose and Reigns looked good, and that final segment was very well executed. We had some good wrestling and some angles, but I could have done without some of the recaps. Two matches could have had more time, or they could have had another match. 

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