WWE Smackdown Results (6/4) – New #1 Contenders, Owens’ NXT Open Challenge, Reigns vs Sheamus

 Neville vs Kofi Kingston (w/ The New Day)

Kofi hits Neville a few times and E and Woods attack behind the ref’s back, then we get back from a break to see Kofi chop Neville in the corner. Neville dropkicks Kofi and slams him down, sets up Red Arrow but Kofi is pulled outside. He hits everyone on the floor with a moonsault, then Kofi tries to attack from behind but Neville drops down rolls through for an upset win. 

Winner – Neville 

The Miz introduces Lana for Miz TV, and he asks how she can just abandon him in his time of need. Lana says Rusev doesn’t deserve him, but Miz says she used him and he knows what she’s doing. Miz introduces his ‘surprise’ guest Rusev, and Rusev says this country is all about second chances. Rusev says he is willing to work on things and asks for an embrace, but Lana tells him where to put his crutch. Rusev calls her a pathetic cow, then Dolph Ziggler cuts him off and escorts Lana out of the ring.  

Roman Reigns vs Sheamus

Sheamus connects with some right and some knees, then we get back from a break to see Sheamus attack Reigns on the apron. Sheamus knees him a few times, then Reigns headbutts him and whips him over the turnbuckles. Reigns makes a comeback as the Authority makes their way out, and Sheamus tries to steal it with a rollup. Reigns kicks out and knocks him down, but Kane runs in and hits Reigns with a chokeslam. Kane turns and chokeslams Sheamus too, then he announces he is in Money In The Bank too, then chokeslams Reigns again. 

Result – No Contest 

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