impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (6/24) – New X Division Champion, Full Metal Mayhem, Jeff Jarrett Returns!



TNA Impact Wrestling Results
June 24th 2015
Report By Bill Pritchard for

Kurt Angle comes out to the ring to talk about facing Ethan Carter III, but Ethan comes out and says he’s beaten everyone in his way. Kurt says all Ethan talks about is himself, and his ego will bite him in the ass because no one can help Ethan anymore. He says he will end Ethan’s streak next week, and he will make him tap because it’s real, damn real. Ethan gets pissed and takes his coat off, then backtracks and says they’ll save this for next week, but Kurt faces his handpicked opponent, Matt Hardy, tonight! 

X Division Championship
Low Ki vs Tigre Uno vs Grado

Uno hits an early hurricanrana, then he knocks Ki outside and Grado backs away. Uno tries to slam him but Grado shifts his weight and knocks Uno down, then avoids a splash and hits a senton. Grado heads up top but Ki shoves him to the mat, then he hits a Ki Crusher and rolls him up for the first elimination. Uno goes for a rollup, then he chops Ki in the corner and heads up top. Uno hits a step up hurricanrana for two, then he misses a springboard crossbody but rebounds and connects with a corkscrew 450 splash for the win. 

Winner and NEW X Division Champion – Tigre Uno

Great opener and congratulations to Tigre Uno. That corkscrew 450 splash was awesome. 


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