WWE Main Event TV Taping Results For 9/22 *Spoilers*

main eventSource: ProWrestling.net 

The following results are WWE Main Event TV taping results from tonight’s event in Corpus Christi, Texas: 

Dark Match

Dudley Boyz beat Heath Slater and Brad Maddox
Slater was going on a promo until the Dudley Boyz came out. The crowd had a good pop for the 3D win and throughout the match.

WWE Main Event TV Taping

Sasha Banks, Naomi, and Tamina beat Nikki Bella, Brie Bella, and Alicia Fox

The crowd was decent for the match as Sasha had the crowd clapping for Team BAD for a second. As chaos ensued, Sasha came with her finisher on Alicia for the win.

Stardust (w/The Ascension) beat R-Truth

Sheamus defeated Jack Swagger

Swagger had some pop but when Sheamus can’t get a pop bigger then the tired “you look stupid chants” I hope he is not the next WWE Champion. Sheamus won off the Brouge Kick.

Zack Ryder beat Adam Rose

Adam Rose came out to do his party pooper gimmick. Zack Ryder came out and took him out within 10 seconds. There was a funny moment where they played Ryback’s music when Ryder won, then they switched it to Ryder’s music. It appears Smackdown is up next.


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