impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (9/23) – EC3 vs. Spud, Faction Splits, Main Event Of Bound For Glory Is Set

Second Match: Gail Kim (c) vs. Jade for the TNA Knockouts Championship 

 Jade with a running boot from behind. Jade with forearms and corner Kim. Kim with a Hurricanrana. Kim with a rollup for a two count. Jade with a german suplex for a two count. Jade is in control of the match with shoulder tackles and forearms. Kim regain momentum with running forearm. Kim locks the ringside figure four leg lock on Jade. Jade escapes. Kim comes back to the ring with a running clothesline for a two count. Kim goes for the Eat Defeat, but Jade counters with a powerbomb for a two count.

Jade attempts another german suplex and Kim counters with the Eat Defeat to pickup the victory. After the match Marti Bell and Rebel storm into the ring. Rebel spears Kim. Dollhouse double team Gail and The Beautiful People (Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne) come down to the ring and clean house. More brawling with The Beautiful People and Dollhouse on the ramp. Awesome Kong music hit and she comes down to the ring. Kong and Kim have a stare off. 

Winner: Still TNA Knockout’s Champion Gail Kim 

Rockstar Spud Backstage Promo: 

Spud mentions that his career correlates with EC3. Spud understands what Hardy is going through. Spud mentions that he was a former two time TNA X Division Champion. Spud says that tonight despite Hardy’s personal problems, Spud becoming the TNA World Heavyweight Champion is more important. 

Ethan Carter III & Jeff Hardy Backstage Segment: 

Carter said that tonight it’s about him retaining the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. EC3 runs down the role Hardy is supposed to play in this match tonight. Hardy says when EC3 tells Hardy to punch Spud, Hardy will punch Spud. Carter warns Hardy that if he doesn’t coporate with him tonight he will be fired. 

Third Match: Tigre Uno (c) vs. Kenny King for the TNA X Division Championship 

Uno and King lock up. King with shoulder tackles. Uno tries to run over King, but it doesn’t work. King plants Uno. Uno with a corkscrew dive off the second rope. King and Uno are back in the ring. King with a clothesline for a two count. King with a backbreak a for two count. King applies a headlock on Uno. Uno is on the top rope. King goes for the top rope superplex, but gets knock down. Uno with a flying crossbody. Uno with headscissors. Uno with a side kick for a two count. Uno chops King. King with another backbreaker. King with a exploder suplex for a two count. King with a spinebuster for a two count. Uno with a tilt-a-whirl DDT and the Uno splash to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Still TNA X Division Champion Tigre Uno 


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