wwe smackdown

WWE SmackDown Results (10/22) – Tyler Breeze Debut, Kane Returns, Cesaro vs Rollins, Do You Believe Paige?

Second Match: Paige w/Charlotte and Becky Lynch vs. Nikki Bella w/Team Bella 

Nikki and Paige lock up. Nikki does jumping jacks. Nikki with a bodyslam to Paige and does push ups. Paige with a bodyslam. Paige with a headbutt. Paige with knees to Nikki’s mid section. Nikki goes for the Alabama Slam and Paige counters with a knee to Nikki face for a two count. Nikki works on Paige’s shoulder. Nikki slams Paige shoulder to the ring post two times. Paige looks to gain momentum. Nikki with knees to Paige’s shoulder. Nikki slams Paige to the mat for a two count. Nikki continues to work over Paige’s shoulder. Paige with a running knee. Paige with a superkick Nikki for a two count. Nikki regains control of the match. Nikki with a spinebuster to Paige for a two count. Nikki goes for the Rack Attack and Paige rolls Nikki up for a two count. Paige plants Nikki. Nikki with a small package for a two count. Nikki with a side walk slam for a two count. Nikki with a forearm to Paige to and connects with the Rack Attack to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Nikki Bella 

Miz TV Segment with Summer Rae & Dolph Ziggler: 

Miz welcomes us to Miz TV. Miz said that he has had his own share of Hollywood Drama. Miz said that he hasn’t seen anything like the four way love triangle with Rusev, Lana, Summer Rae and Dolph Ziggler. Miz brings out Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler ask Miz what’s up. Miz said that Ziggler is the heart throb of the WWE and Ziggler has more relationships then George Clooney. Miz ask Ziggler how he feels about his relationship with Lana coming to a end via TMZ? Ziggler says that he knows that Miz is not that much of a wrestler anymore. Ziggler tells Miz that Lana is a grown woman and that she could do whatever she wants. Ziggler said that when it comes to Summer Rae she was using Rusev. Ziggler said that Summer tried to use him and usually he would be down for that, but when it comes to her yea not that much. Miz says that either way Ziggler drove Lana to Rusev arms. Miz introduces Summer Rae. Miz said that Summer has been treated the worst out of everybody in this love triangle.

Summer said that this is all in the past. Summer said that even though Ziggler continues to deny it there is chemistry between the both of them. Ziggler tells Summer that he’s going to stop her right there. Ziggler tells Summer that he’s not that interested in her. Summer ask Ziggler if he thought that she was going to come out there and propose to him? Summer laughs and says that she’s moved on. Summer says that she’s found a new man and wants Ziggler to see what a real man is. Tyler Breeze comes out. Breeze says that clearly he’s a man who needs no introduction. Breeze tells Ziggler that he can’t get past 1985. Breeze says that they call him the king of cuteville and the sultan of selfie’s. Breeze said that Ziggler can call him Tyler Breeze. Breeze calls Ziggler a ugo. Breeze said that he and Summer are going to give WWE a must needed facelift. Breeze and Summer take a selfie. Breeze tells Ziggler that prince pretty has arrived. Ziggler said that he’s seen a thousands of guys like Breeze come and go and calls Breeze a lazy millenial. Breeze attacks Ziggler. Breeze attacks Ziggler’s throat with the Selfie Stick and is forced to be seperated by the referee’s. Summer and Breeze take a selfie and walk away. 


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