
Complete 10/23 Ring of Honor Glory By Honor XIV TV Taping Results *Spoilers*

Episode Three

1. Laya Von Dutch beat Tracy Aries. Laya won an ugly match. Enough said.

2. Moose (w/Stokely Hathaway) beat Carter. One spear squash match. Stokely put out a challenge to Lethal for the ROH Title. He said Elgin can’t beat Moose. Elgin confronted Moose in the ring. Truth came out with J Diesel and Donvan Dijak and Eva. Truth said neither one could beat Lethal.

3. Moose and Michael Elgin beat Donovan Dijak and J Diesel. Moose and Elgin won with a buckle bomb spear combo on Diesel.

BJ Whitmer Adam Page and Colby Carino came out. BJ said he can’t believe what Steve Carino said. Nigel said if Steve Carino can’t be at Final Battle then they can’t be at Final Battle.

4. Roderick Strong beat Jay Lethal to win the ROH TV Title. Truth did not come out with Lethal. Match of the night so far. Roderick Strong wins the TV Title via submission with the Strong Hold.