Impact Wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (10/28) – Continuation Of The TNA World Title Series, Gail vs Kong, Abyss vs Storm, Robbie E vs Matt Hardy

Fifth Match: Group X-Division Tigre Uno vs. DJ Zema Ion in a TNA World Title Series Match 

Uno and DJZ lock up. Uno with a wrist lock to DJZ. Uno works on DJZ shoulder. DJZ with a armdrag to Uno. Uno with a shoulder tackle to DJZ. Uno with a running back elbow to DJZ. DJZ with a hurricanrana to Uno. Uno with a spinning heel kick to DJZ. Uno with a running dropkick to DJZ for a two count. Uno send DJZ to the ring apron. DJZ with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors to Uno that sends him shoulder first to the steel ring steps for a two count. DJZ with a headlock to Uno. DJZ with a clothesline to Uno.

DJZ with shoulders to the mid-section of Uno. Uno knocks DJZ off the top rope. DJZ with a dropkick to Uno for a tw count. DJZ goes for the springboard DDT and Uno with a heel kick to DJZ. Uno with a running dropkick to DJZ that sends him off the ring apron. Uno with a missle dropkick to DJZ. Uno with a hurricanrana to DJZ for a two count. DJZ with a hurricanrana to Uno that sends him to the second rope. Uno plants DJZ. Uno goes for the corkscrew splash and DJZ gets out of the way. DJZ finally connects with the springboard DDT to Uno to pickup the victory. 

Winner: DJ Zema Ion + 3 Points 

We see a clip from the Gail Kim/Awesome Kong Bound for Glory Match. 


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