Who Fights The Undertaker At WrestleMania 32 & Does Him Winning At Mania Matter Anymore (Read & Watch)

Photo courtesy of Chair Shot Reality
Photo courtesy of Chair Shot Reality

This segment of Chair Shot Reality is a social media Saturday topic. The question being who should fight The Undertaker at WrestleMania 32? Tweets using #WZCSR are displayed from fans while Justin, Josh and Brian debate. Here’s some highlights of the conversation:

Josh Isenberg:

I got three words for you, two of them are the same, fight Owens fight. Kevin Owens has to be the choice. WWE is in a great opportunity that they were in over 10 years ago. WrestleMania 21 had three young guys versus three establish guys. Triple H putting over Batista. JBL putting over John Cena. Undertaker beating Randy Orton but Orton was made that night. Now’s the opportunity for WWE to do the same with Owens who doesn’t care about tradition. You can have Wyatt possibly with Lesnar and Reigns with Triple H. You have to find a Superstar and it could be Kevin Owens.

Brian Gulish:

Kevin Owens could be but shouldn’t be. Is this The Undertaker’s last match? If it is, Kevin Owens won’t be his last opponent. Said it hundred times, Undertaker should end with Kane. The brothers of destruction been together for 20 years, Undertaker wins and retires Kane character. They both go out at the same time. My problem with Kevin Owens is you saw him briefly on RAW with Brock Lesnar and it didn’t look good.

Justin LaBar:

I kept pushing for Owens versus Lesnar, but more I’ve thought of it, the way we’re seeing Kevin Owens as a hot-head, doesn’t care about tradition, had a great heel character, I think he’s the perfect antagonist to go against The Undertaker who is the most respect name involved with WrestleMania. There’s a lot of potential and as Josh said history has come back around and it’s time for The Undertaker to catapult another name.

Justin & Josh strongly disagree with Brian and the debate continues of what makes sense. The topic of the value of winning or losing to The Undertaker is weighed as well. See the full video and what the fans’ responses are on Twitter: