TNA Impact Wrestling Results (4/5) – Hardy vs Galloway, New Champion Crowned, Tag Team Division In Decay?

Matt Hardy Backstage Promo: 

Hardy said that his brand is built being smart and resourceful. Tyrus slowly walked behind him. Hardy said Galloway stole food of his plate and his wife could only get four pedicures per week. Hardy said the show is named Hardy’s Revenge and he’s going to get his and take back the the title. Hardy turned and saw Tyrus and asked him if he was ready. Tyrus glared at him without responding.

Fourth Match: Drew Galloway (c) vs. Matt Hardy w/The Matt Hardy Brand for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship 

Hardy attacks Galloway from behind before the bell rings. Galloway with a boot to the guyt of Hardy. Galloway with a series of right hands to Hardy in the corner. Galloway connects with a stinger splash. Galloway with a flying elbow drop to Hardy for a two count. Hardy chops Galloway in the chest. Hardy sends Galloway to the corner. Hardy with a corner clotheslines and running bulldog to Galloway. Hardy with a legdrop. Galloway and Hardy exchange back and forth right hands on the ring apron. Hardy with a side effect that sends Galloway back first onto the ring apron. Spud attacks Galloway while Hardy is talking to the referee. Hardy launches Galloway over the steel ring steps at ringside. Hardy rolls Galloway back into the ring. Hardy with a elbow drop. Hardy with a series of back elbows to the back of Galloway’s head. Galloway chops Hardy in the chest. Galloway with a running forearm.

Hardy with a boot to the gut of Galloway. Hardy drops Galloway with a neck breaker for a one count. Hardy connects with another neck breaker, but Galloway kicks out at the count of two. Galloway exchange back and forth chops/jabs with Hardy. Galloway with a series of chops to Hardy in the corner. Galloway with a belly to belly suplex for a two count. Galloway ascends to the top rope. Hardy with a series of right hands to Galloway. Hardy with a gut wrench suplex to Galloway off the top rope. Hardy takes of his boot and selling his ankle injury. Spud goes for a flying crossbody, but Galloway counters with a exploder suplex. Hardy whacks Galloway in the face with the boot for a two count. Hardy goes for a flying elbow drop, but Galloway counters with the Future Shock DDT. Galloway goes for the pin, but Tyrus rolls the referee out of the ring. Jeff Hardy comes down to the ring with a steel chair. Jeff drops Tyrus with a Twist of Fate face first to the steel chair. Matt with a Twist of Fate of his own to Galloway for a two count. Hardy slaps Galloway in the face. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate, but Galloway gets Hardy in the Iron Maiden and Matt taps out. 

Winner: Still TNA World Heavyweight Champion Drew Galloway via Submission 

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