Photo courtesy of El Rey network

Lucha Underground Results (6/8) – Nunchuck Match, Pentagon Jr Returns, Ultima Lucha Ramifications


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Lucha Underground Results

June 8th, 2016

Report By Joshua Lopez for

Black Lotus & Dario Cueto Backstage Segment: 

Lotus tells Cueto that Dragon Azteca was out to kill his brother, but she stopped him. Cueto tells Lotus that she knows why. Lotus tells Cueto that if she finds out that Cueto is lying to her, Cueto will suffer. Cueto understands Lotus thirst for vengeance with her parents passing away. Cueto tells Lotus that she’ll take on Dragon Azteca Jr at Ultima Lucha and once she rips his mask off, her parents will finally be able to rest in peace. 

First Match: Marty “The Moth” Martinez vs. Killshot 

Killshot spears Martinez out of the ring before the bell rings. Killshot drops Martinez with a running leg lariat. Martinez launches Killshot back first repeatedly on the steel guard rail. Martinez follows that up with a powerbomb on the steel guard rail. Martinez drags Killshot’s masks around the ring. Killshot whips Martinez to the bottom of the announce table which leads to the referee counting out both men. After the match, Martinez rakes the eyes of Killshot. The referee tries to get Martinez off of Killshot. Killshot with a running boot to the face of Martinez. Killshot retrieves his dog tags. Martinez storms into the ring and plants Killshot with a snap german suplex. Martinez snags the dog tags and heads towards the back. 

Match Result: Double Countout