WWE RAW Results (6/20): Charlotte Defends the Women’s Title, New Number One Contenders for the WWE Title Named, Big Returns, More!

Enzo and Big Cass vs The Vaudevillains 

Gotch and English immediately take turns beating down Enzo. Enzo never gets a chance to get out of the gates. Enzo gets to Cass and he cleans house. Cass and Enzo hit the rocket launcher for the win.

Winners- Enzo and Big Cass

AJ Styles walks out to address the crowd. Styles says he isn’t happy even though he should be. The dream match was tainted because Gallows and Anderson interfered. Styles says he wants Gallows and Anderson to come out to apologize to him for messing up the match. Gallows and Anderson say they were just trying to help Styles says they gave Cena an excuse. Anderson apologizes and so does Gallows. Styles asks for Cena to come out and accept his apology for what happened last night. Cena comes out and isn’t his usual jovial self.

Cena says he doesn’t want an apology. They had a contract. Gallows says Styles had no idea they were gonna get involved last night. Gallows and Anderson apologize to Cena. Cena says Styles desperately needed a win and he got what he needed. Clearly Styles is trying to cover up that he isn’t as good as he says he is. Styles says Cena is using Gallows and Anderson as an excuse because Cena isn’t as good as he says he is. Cena says he respects a win, but Styles isn’t a man of his word. Cena asks for a match, but Styles says nope he has too much going on and he has already beaten Cena. Styles serves up either Gallows or Anderson for Cena to fight. They settle on Anderson facing Cena one-on-one.