Photo courtesy of El Rey network

Lucha Underground Results (6/22) – Prince Puma Speaks, New Luchador Arrives, Aztec Medallion’s On The Line

Second Match: Joey Ryan, Cortez Castro and Mr. Cisco vs. Killshot, Sinestro De La Muerte and Marty The Moth Martinez in a Aztec Medallion Match 

Martinez and Castro starts off this match. Martinez with a right hand to the gut of Castro. Castro ducks a clothesline from Martinez and lands a knife edge chops. Martinez responds with a shoulder tackle. Cortez connects with a single leg lariat. Cortez follows that up with a neckbreaker for a two count. Castro drags Martinez to the corner. Cortez tags in Ryan. Martinez is trapped by Ryan’s lollipop. Martinez tags in Killshot. Killshot with a knife edge chop to Ryan. Killshot with a head scissors take down. Ryan tags in Cisco. 

Cisco knocks Muerte down for a two count. Cisco lands a couple of lucha arm drags. Muerte lands a big forearm to Cisco. Cisco plants Muerte with a side slam for a two count. Cisco tags in Castro. Muerte with a jaw breaker to Cisco. Muerte with a Mexican Trip to Cisco. Muerte goes to a ground and pound attack. Muerte tags in Martinez. Castro knocks Killshot off the ring apron. Martinez drives Castro back first to the corner. Castro sends Martinez face first to the top turnbuckle. Castro with a Tornado DDT. Castro lands a back elbow and tags in Cisco. Cisco with two clotheslines followed by a flying senton. Cisco plants Martinez with a hurricanrnana for a two count. Muerte tosses Ryan to the outside. Ryan sends Muerte face first to the ring apron.

Martinez is clotheslined over the top rope from Cisco and Castro. Killshot with a missile dropkick to Castro. Killshot connects with a step off moonsault onto Ryan, Muerte and Martinez on the outside. Martinez rolls Cisco back into the ring. Martinez tags in Killshot. Martinez and Killshot double teams Cisco in the corner. Martinez with a spinebuster to Cisco. Killshot with a slingshot senton for a two count. Cisco with a reverse hurricanrana to Killshot. Ryan superkicks Muerte. Ryan begins to argue with The Crew. Martinez drops Cisco with the Curb Stomp. Killshot with a double stomp to the chest of Cisco to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Killshot, Sinestro De La Muerte and Marty The Moth Martinez 


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