Photo courtesy of El Rey network

Lucha Underground Results (6/22) – Prince Puma Speaks, New Luchador Arrives, Aztec Medallion’s On The Line

Third Match: Ivelisse & Taya Valkyrie vs. Mariposa & Sexy Star in a Aztec Medallion Match 

Taya and Ivelisse gets into a shoving match. Taya and Star starts off this match. Taya with a armdrag that sends Star to the bottom rope. Star lands a couple of armdrags of her own. Star applies a modified sharpshooter. Star transitions into a front facelock. Taya reverses and applies a key lock. Taya works on the shoulder of Star. Ivelisse and Mariposa are tagged in. Ivelisse kicks Mariposa in the leg. Ivelisse and Mariposa get into the collar and elbow tie up. Marpiosa applies a armbar. Ivelisse gets out of the hold and applies a side headlock. Mariposa hits Ivelisse in the ribs. Mariposa whips Ivelisse to the corner. Mariposa bodyslams Ivelisse. Mariposa follows that up with a elbow drop for a one count. Mariposa goes for the White Noise, but Ivelisse rolls her up for a two count.

Mariposa locks in the Kondo Clutch. Ivelisse sends Mariposa face first to the middle turnbuckle. Mariposa lands a leg drop. Taya tags herself in. Star tags herself in. Star ducks a clothesline. Taya with a side kick to the gut of Star. Taya sends Star to the ring apron. Star with a flying armdrag to Taya. Taya with a running forearm that knocks Mariposa off the ring apron. Star with a tilt-awhirl head scissors that sends Taya to the outside. Star connects with the Seated Senton off the ring apron. Mariposa launches Taya into the collection of chairs at ringside. Mariposa puts Taya on a chair. Mariposa with a flying crossbody onto the chair. Ivelisse with a flying crossbody off the top rope onto Mariposa on the outside.

Taya with a running back elbow to Star in the corner. Taya with the double knees to the face for a two count. Taya lands two clubbing blows to the back of Star. Star clotheslines Taya. Star plants Taya with a DDT. Star with a victory roll for a two count. Taya tags in Ivelisse and Star go back and forth with knife edge chops and roundhouse kicks. Both women exchange in a series of pin attempts. Ivelisse knocks Mariposa off the ring apron. Taya accidentally spears Ivelisse. Star with a basement dropkick to Taya. Mariposa plants Ivelisse with White Noise. Mariposa throws Star onto Ivelisse. Star scores the pinfall. 

Winner: Mariposa & Sexy Star