WWE NXT Results (6/29): Alexa Bliss Takes on Carmella, Huge NXT Tag Title Match Signed for Next Week!

Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano vs The Hype Bros

Gargano and Mojo Rawley lock up. Gargano goes behind Rawley, but Rawley tosses him across the ring like a piece of paper. Rawley gets down into a three-point stance. Gargano tries to get to Ciampa for the tag, but Rawley takes out Gargano’s leg. Zack Ryder tags in and ends up getting roll up kicked by Gargano. Ciampa tags in and flattens Ryder with a jumping neck breaker for a two count. Ciampa gets dumped over the top rope. Ryder baseball slides him. Gargano dives over the top rope and takes out Ryder. Gargano turns around and gets clotheslined out of his boots by Rawley.

After a short break, Rawley has Gargano in a cobra clutch. Gargano manages to tag in Ciampa. Ryder dropkicks Ciampa off the top. Rawley hits the pounce on Ciampa. Rawley and Ryder set up the Hype Ryder, but Gargano pulls Rawley out of the ring and superkicks him. Ciampa and Gargano set up Ryder on the top rope. Rawley runs back into the ring and powerbombs them both off the top. Ryder hits the el-brow drop for another two count. Ryder sets up the Broski boot, but Ciampa clotheslines him before he can boot Gargano. Ciampa and Gargano hit Meet You in the Middle for the win!

Winners- Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano


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