(Randy Holmes/ABC via Getty Images)

Batista Explains Why He Left WWE in 2010, WWE Legend Talks Booking Issues with Dusty Rhodes, Triple H Talks the WWE CWC (Videos)

(Photo by Jun Sato/WireImage)

Batista Explains Why He Left WWE in 2010

Former WWE star Dave “Batista” Bautista recently appeared on MLW Radio’s “Writer’s Room”, and during the interview Batista had the following to say on why he left WWE back in 2010:

“Basically, kind of mirror images of each other on our respective shows, but I’m getting afforded a lot less opportunities and that didn’t sit well with me and I wasn’t okay with that. I wasn’t content with that. And so, when they said no, I wasn’t going to be afforded those opportunities, I said, ‘well, I’m going to leave then’ and that was kind of it. It’s funny. I do a lot of things because I get pissed off and I really hate when people tell me I can’t do stuff. And when WWE had started on films and commercials, and I noticed that everything more and more was going to Cena, but at the same time, he’s main eventing one series of shows…I’m main eventing the others, but he’s getting all these opportunities that I’m not getting. It just seemed a little unfair to me that I’m still out there busting my ass to do these shows while he’s making movies and getting paid a butt load of money to make these movies. So I simply asked a question, ‘is there any opportunity for me to do films?’ and there wasn’t. They had no interest in me doing that, so I said, ‘well, if I’m not afforded the opportunity here, then I should be afforded the opportunity to go outside the company and audition.’ And the answer was, ‘you’re our property – get dressed for the house shows and get to work’. I just thought it was unfair, so I thought it’s just really unfair. It’s unfair career wise and it’s unfair to me financially.”

Triple H Talks the WWE CWC

WWE has posted the following clip of Triple H discussing the Cruiserweight Classic on last night’s Bracketology special:

WWE Legend Talks Booking Issues with Dusty Rhodes

Ronnie Garvin discusses what it was like dealing with former Jim Crockett Booker Dusty Rhodes in the Mid-Atlantic territory and what role Rhodes played in Garvin’s 2 months NWA World Championship reign in this clip:


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