rockstar spud

TNA Destination X Results (7/12) – Lashley vs. Edwards, The Public Deletion, Major Debut

Bound for Glory Playoff: 

The following participants in the Bound for Glory Playoff is Ethan Carter III, Drew Galloway, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Eli Drake, Bram, Mike Bennett and James Storm. 

Fifth Match: Bobby Lashley (c) vs. Eddie Edwards (c) w/Davey Richards for the TNA World Heavyweight & X-Division Championship 

Lashley tosses Edwards to the corner. Edwards lands a knife edge chops. Lashley responds with a clothesline. Lashley with a series of corner clotheslines. Lashley connects with the back bodydrop. Lashley goes for the delayed vertical suplex, but Edwards counters with a sleeper hold. Edwards tosses Lashley to the outside. Edwards goes for a flying crossbody, but Lashley catches Edwards in mid-air. Lashley goes for a powerslam, but Edwards counters with a hurricanrana. Lashley plants Edwards with a belly to belly suplex on the ramp. Lashley sets up for  Spear, but Edwards lands a back elbow to the head of Lashley. Lashley responds with a Spear. Lashley with clubbing blows to the back of Edwards.

Lashley connects with a neckbreaker for a two count. Lashley applies a rear chin lock. Lashley with another clothesline to Edwards. Lashley drives his elbow repeatedly to the chest of Edwards. Edwards lands a series of knife edge chops. Lashley goes for a running powerslam, but Edwards counters with a DDT. Lashley goes for a Spear, but Edwards lowers the bottom rope and Lashley crashes to the outside. Edwards connects with three suicide dives. Edwards with a sitout spinebuster for a two count.

Edwards with a running forearm. Edwards connects with the standing enziguri. Lashley is fading on the top rope. Edwards with another standing enziguri. Edwards with the top rope hurricanrana. Lashley with a running powerslam, but the referee is knocked down. Lashley brings the world title into the ring. Richards snags the title away from Lashley. Wolves plants Lashley with a brain buster. Mike Bennett comes into the ring and knocks out the referee. Moose comes down to the stage. Moose lays out Richards. Moose powerbombs Edwards on the ring apron. Moose gets into Lashley’s face. Bennett with a low blow to Lashley. Moose drops Lashley with a discus lariat. After the match Dixie Carter announces that next week on Impact we’ll have a rematch with Eddie Edwards and Bobby Lashley, but it will be in the Six Sides of Steel. 

Winner: No Contest, but still TNA World Heavyweight Champion Bobby Lashley and still TNA X-Division Champion Eddie Edwards 

Thank you guys so much for checking out our coverage of Destination X. Make sure to continue the conversation in the WrestleZone Forums. Share this play by play article to all social media platforms. 

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Check out the recording of Episode 12 of the Josh Lopez Wrestling Podcast tomorrow at Noon pm ET!