Best WWE Superstars of the 90's
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The Rock Named The Highest Paid Actor in the World, Interesting Darren Young – Raw Battle Royal Stat, New Xavier Woods Videos

the rock
(Photo by Ron Elkman/Sports Imagery/Getty Images)

The Rock Named The Highest Paid Actor in the World has released a list of the “World’s Highest Paid Celebrities,” and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson comes in at #19. He is the highest paid actor on the list, and the following was written about Johnson:

Rock-solid box office numbers helped the erstwhile wrestler become the world’s highest-paid actor. Since helping launch the billion-dollar Fast and Furious franchise and leading 2015’s “San Andreas” to a surprising $473 million worldwide, Dwayne Johnson has become Hollywood’s go-to action hero. Next up for the beefy star: a starring role in the upcoming “Baywatch” remake. “I can kick ass better than anyone on the planet,” he once told FORBES. “And I have a decent smile.”

Interesting Darren Young – Raw Battle Royal Stat

According to, when Darren Young won the IC Title #1 Contenders Battle Royal on WWE Raw last night, it was the first time Young had won a match on his own on Raw. Prior to last night, any wins Young had on Raw came in a tag team capacity.

Xavier Woods Videos

Xavier Woods continues his Doom and Overwatch gameplay in these new videos from his “UpUpDownDown” YouTube channel:


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