TNA Impact Wrestling Results (8/18) – Major Announcement, Moose vs Edwards, James Storm Snaps

Maria Kanellis, Jade and Allie Backstage Segment: 

Maria knows that Jade and Gail will have a great match tonight. Maria says that Gail will be laid out by the most destructive force in TNA, Jade. Maria tells Allie to inform Gail that the match is up next. Maria informs Jade that if she loses this match tonight, she’ll never get another opportunity at the TNA Knockout’s Championship. Jade says that she wants to whoop Maria’s ass. Maria tells Jade to dish out her anger on Gail Kim tonight. 

Second Match: Jade vs. Gail Kim 

Gail and Jade locks up. Gail with a deep armdrag to Jade. Jade shoves Gail to the other side of the ring. Gail applies a wrist lock. Jade with a roll through, but Gail keeps hold of the wrist lock. Gail drops Jade with a shoulder tackle. Jade connects with a hurricanrana. Jade lands two knife edge chops to the chest of Gail in the corner. Gail counters with a collection of knife edge chops of her own. Jade drops Gail with a lightning quick offense for a two count. Gail tosses Jade to the outside. Gail with a modified 619 to Jade. Gail goes for a springboard crossbody off the second rope, but Jade catches Gail in mid-air and drops her on the ring mat.

Jade goes for a Package Piledriver, but Gail counters with a back body drop. Gail with a head scissors takedown to Jade. Gail goes for a crossbody off the top rope, but Jade rolls out of the way. Jade goes for a moonsault, but she crashes and burns. Gail goes for a handstand takedown, but Jade counters with a kick to the head. Gail with a inside cradle, but both women get tied in a knot, so the referee couldn’t make the pin. Gail connects with the Eat Defeat. Gail goes for the pin, but Sienna drags Gail out of the ring. Sienna plants Gail with the AK-47. Sienna proceeds to drop Jade with the Silence. Maria comes out to the stage and says that Gail is a failure and will never get another opportunity at the Knockout’s Championship. 

Winner: Gail Kim via Disqualification